We usually apply high performance in a work environment and, sometimes, we find it to be an invaluable source of strength to apply to any situation. Recently, I found myself on the bench. Injured athlete needing surgery and enforced time out. I found that really really hard.
Not only do I love my work but I love running around and being active. The slow demise of my physical situation was hard to reconcile and the thought of surgery, a real come down. However, when things get tough…….time to get going! So, just how do we apply high performance principles to stuff like that?
Let’s start with readiness for surgery. Thinking about what I needed to do to be ready felt positive and gave me a focus. 2 months out I started my training plan.
Working with a physio to get my body in the strongest possible position to enable recovery to be easier and quicker. The temptation to just stop and do nothing was strong. I had to get my head in the right place to set new goals for my new conditions; i.e. not being able to do what I had before, but to set new and different goals that fitted right now. I made sure I was getting enough sleep and eating well to ensure I wasn’t putting on weight whilst I was not able to be quite as physical as normal.
Not only did I work on my physical body, but I spent a lot of time getting my head in the right place. Getting questions answered so I knew what to expect and could deal with any nerves, ensuring my work was taken care of; and I focused my mind on the most helpful aspects of healing and recovery. I got my support network in place. Those who could help me to physically recover as well as those who could be there for me emotionally.
And then post op.
Using my strength and resilience to stick to the rehab plan; even when it felt counter-intuitive and I wanted to curl up in a ball.
Checking on my diet to ensure I was getting enough protein and nutrients to support the healing
Knowing, understanding and using my own personal recipe for dealing with challenging circumstances.
Removing as much ‘interference’ as I could which allowed me to focus on doing the things I needed to do to recover.
A conscious and intentional practice that meant I could park worries and concerns and get on with getting better!
A high performance mentality is so helpful in so many areas of our lives.
HP is for life; not just for work!