What winning means

We're doing a lot of work with sales teams right now as they seek to thrive rather than just survive - and as you'd expect with sales teams, the concept of winning is coming up a lot. I think a lot about what winning means and when it's tough out…
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Keeping it human

Microsoft Office is apparently a very good place to work indeed (if you use some criteria we like!). In their recent advert about ideas, or keeping it weird, the Microsoft advert states how they work on keeping it human and keeping it real, in the workplace. The advert goes on…
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Critical day focus

So, just before the Olympics, we were chatting with some of the athletes about the opportunities still left to mentally sharpen up and get the most out of the remaining preparation days. We challenged them to answer the following: "If out of all of the days you've had to prepare…
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Are you on our mailing list…

... and would you like to be? Do you know anyone who you think would like the kind of stuff we write?We have a regular newsletter that comes out to our subscribers and is brief, punchy and performance focused. We also send around our thoughts from time to time in…
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Thinking like a coach

and we mean a coach like the athletes we work with. With such a coach, they would be observing your performances and preparation and giving you feedback both during and after your moments of engagement. They'd be reinforcing good stuff, pointing out things to check, highlighting problems to work on…
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We often ask our clients what performance means, before we tell them how we define it. Typically performance gets confused with results and targets and measurement of end points. We often get people to think about performance from the point of view of a performance at the theatre, which people…
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Recalibrate your risks?

Risks you can afford to take - Risks you can not afford to take - Risks you can afford not to take - Risks you can not afford not to take... Four different kinds of risks... and do those risks look very different in the current climate? Risks that you…
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The feedback experiment

We'd like to invite you all to take part in a feedback experiment - and of course let us know any results you might experience. We talk a lot about the importance of feedback and the fact that elite performers crave feedback and seek it out, rather than waiting for…
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Snow Day

A colleague recently sent me this email which I thought I would share: ======================================= Snow Day Well mother nature has given me a day off. Hooray! For those of you not currently in the U.K. and therefore not subjected to 24 hours of heavy snow and 24 hour rolling news…
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Do you run the numbers…

Do you run the numbers or do they run you? (a great line from Accenture... thanks for that!). Just been reading about Kevin Pietersen, the England cricketer, getting out for 97. He was out playing a typically KPish type shot. KP, please stay true to yourself and keep playing the…
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